Tornado Damage.
Helping property owners recover their losses from tornado damage.
There’s no doubt that every year we are seeing an increase in the frequency of tornados and other storms. You don’t have to live on the coastline to experience disaster. Your home or business can suffer damage from wind, hail, ice, snow, hurricanes and lightning.
When this happens, you may be asking whether your insurance will cover your damaged roof, walls and other structures. And “what is the full value of repair or replacement to make me whole again?” “Where will I live while my home is being repaired?” “Will my insurance cover business inventory losses and personal property?” Sometimes, the damage is not so obvious. The experts at Berger Adjuster can answer these questions, determine the extent of your loss, and negotiate your claim for the maximum amount.

Our knowledgeable staff is available 24/7 to answer all of your questions.
Berger Adjusters has the expertise to help you navigate this difficult journey. From small to large losses, we have the experience to advise you on the steps to take to recovery.